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null event

Short Description

Wait event 'null' is an Idle event and is perfectly normal. Idle events show that the process in question is not currently doing work in the database.

Detailed Description​

Both 'Null' and in 9i and beyond 'null' events are Idle events and are perfectly normal. A session that is waiting in an Idle event state indicates it is not currently performing any activity in the database, and waiting for work to be given to it. These can safely be ignored. You can see event names in the 'Idle' event class using this query:

SELECT DISTINCT name,display_name FROM v$event_name WHERE wait_class= 'Idle' ORDER BY name;

How to reduce this wait​

Be aware that early Oracle 9i - along with the change from 'Null' to 'null' for the event, has bug #2843192 which causes real wait events for be recorded as 'null'. If you have Oracle 9i, ensure you have the patches / ensure you are using or above. Contact Oracle Support if you have this issue.

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